Wednesday, January 21, 2009

President Obama

Just the title alone brings me joy. And I'm mad pumped to now be living through the Obama Administration. 

The inauguration was pretty intense. After a fumble during the oath of two new-comers, Justice Roberts and President Obama, and intense inaugural address was given. It wasn't like many of his uplifting and inspiring speeches. It's tone was definite; it was a charge to the American people--not a promise.

So now its up to us to promote our ideas, draft our own legislation, talk to our own politicians. And if you haven't already, give a check. It's pretty schnazzy. 

Of course, I have nothing but good things to say right now. The secretary-designates are on their way to the senate over the next couple of days and weeks, and hopefully we'll have a fully functioning cabinet before February. Speaking of Cabinets, Sen. McCain (yeah, remember him?) told the Republicans to STOP IT NOW and confirm Sen. Clinton and Secretary of State.


1 comment:

Anonymous said... IS pretty snazzy!
communication, transparency, and participation sound good to me.
I'M SO EXCITED! These next four years are going to kick ass.