Here's my prediction for Tuesday: Obama 313- McCain 225
I'm predictig an unexpected upset in Virginia and Ohio in favor of the Democrats, nonetheless I'm expecting Missouri to be as annoying as it usually is, along with Florida. Fox News has placed Florida in the Dem's column, but considering its God's Waiting room full of patients from the Civil Rights Era, I think not. Colorado, a whopping three votes, will most likely make an about face into the red column. Pennsylvania, a huge battleground state has seen record fundrasing by Senator Obama and a huge influx of volunteers from the surrounding Northeastern states, namely the Great State of New York (what what?). So I'm anticipating a blue result, although I'm not too confident on that one. Same with Ohio. West Virginia is absoultely going Red, so I don't know why Obama is waisting his time and money there. Indiana, which is in a statistical dead heat, is favored to go Republican by Fox, but a legit tossup by CNN and Yahoo! Because of it's closeess and ifluence of Illionois (Obama's home states) he'll take the cake.
Ah, sweet victory. But don't jump for joy yet. Anything could happen.
For the locals I'm predicting Nancy Calhoun as my town's Assemblywomen, Bill Larkin as state senator, and a landslide win for John Hall as the 19th District's Congressman. I actually like Larkin because he got a $500,000 grant for the Town of South Blooming Grove (my town) so that we could repair and reform our water system, which has not been replaced since the LBJ (1964) administration. So Kudos sir! You would have my vote.
1 comment:
i love family guy. and your blog.
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