Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Sunshine State, The Party, and The Future

Wow. I still can't believe it's real. Barack Obama, our next president. An African American and a Catholic?

First thing first, I have to tip my hat to the Sunshine State--Florida. You have fully redeemed yourself. I'm not going to take away your "God's waiting room" title (I mean come on, one must face facts) but WOW. I was uniquely impressed by the following states that I ever thought would go blue: Colorado, North Carolina (still awaiting further cofirmation), and Virginia. But wait Jose, didn't you project Virginia? Yeah I did. But that was my wishful thinking coinciding with fallible data I can't really credit the success to President-Elect Obama himself: the volunteers deserve the laud. People like myself were finally recognized with purpose. Obama gave people purpose. The people gave people time, paitience, and even money. That m word that haunted people to the polls.

So whats in store for both parties? Well the Democrats have every reason to jump for joy: They won the White House and a filibuster-proof majority in both houses of Congress. But we can't keep celebrating. Our lame duck president and Congressional members who will not be returning come January may have a few tricks up their sleeves. Also, this is not just an opportunity this is a test for the Democrats. Will they self-destruct under pressure? Will Obama fail to bring the change that compelled people to give so much? Will Congress be even worse than it was the last 2,4,6, even 8 years? Time will tell folks. As for the Republicans, they've got some shaping up to do. They've become marginalized and a minority. They shouldn't feel to threatened, because many of these states were almost to close to call with 50/50 splits in more than one. Assuming the influx of new voters stay, sure they have a little problem. They must appeal to the people once again. The millennials are growing up. Let me let you in on a secret: we don't like labels and we don't like being told what to do and who to like. The independent electorate is swelling. Even I'm going to register as an independent. The Republicans must adopt people friendly measures and candidates. They must prove that they are in focus with the problems and are willing to work in tandem. You'll always have die-hard Republicans and you'll always have die hard Democrats. But really, when it boils down, follow the words of the late President Rutherford B. Hayes: "He serves his party best who serves his country best"

I can't really elaboate on the future, but I think the world, arguably, is looking forward to it. I wouldn't call Obama's Win a landslide because the Electoral College just does'nt tell the Truth. Obama only grasped 53% of the popular vote. The Electoral College tells us a (current) score of 349-163. We'll know the full thing when the electors meet on December 15. But the nation has spoken, or at least around 125 million people of the nation have.

I have to go destroy a SUPA paper now. I won't be updatig for the nex couple of days, but o my next post I will most likely be looking into the people who helped and hurt the ticket: Biden and Palin. Have a good one kids.

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