Hello World! It's been two very exciting weeks for me, but I'm back to give you your inappropriate amount of liberalism. Aren't you excited?
A few preliminary things, if you have not checked out my followers' blogs (COUTORI for fashion, The Armchair Quarterback for sports, litter ature for comedy, and Wishful Thinking for everything in between) you are missing out. Trust me, you'll want the bragging rights when they're big timers in ten years. That is, if the world doesn't end in 2012.
Speaking of 2012! It's highly likely the world will end by then. The financial crisis will have actually become a fully functioning machine, akin to China, and devoured the country from the inside out. And by country I mean East and West Coast. And from inside out I mean every city simultaneously. Mark my words, if the Republicans win the White House in 2012 I'm moving to Mars. Call it blue flight if you will.
All silliness aside...wait...no. Let's keep it! After all politics is just as ludicrous as anything else in this world.
President-elect (no longer Senator) Barack Obama was already proven to be more effective than our lame-duck President Bush. He has turned every weekly address into a dual video and radio address. You ca now view every weekly address since the election on his new website, ChangeDotGov. They're accessible on YouTube--I recommend it.
I have some unfortunate lose. I'm already doubting the Administration. Leaks have been pouring out since November 5 more than Joe the Plumber could handle, especially about Cabinet positions. The most controversial being Senator Clinton of my home state, New York. Commerce Secretary, which I didn't know mattered these days, is most likely going to be Gov. Richardson of New Mexico (one of the states in the Southwest that unexpectedly turned blue i the presidential election). This is a real win for me, because Gov. Richardson is a Hispanic-American. As treasury secretary, he has picked the president of the new York Federal Reserve Bank, which is a huge step in the change direction. Timothy Geithneris only 47, just the age of the president-elect himself. No official statements have been made about true cabinet positions, but they're all expected after Thanksgiving.
He must proceed with caution. The right picks, especially in the departments of the treasury, commerce, infrastructure, interior, and department could rally the stocks. Poor decisions would increase the downturn.
The way I see it: Things will get worse before they get worse.
Also, Obama has said it is "likely" the Bush Tax cuts will remain in place until 2011. This is a big disappointment. I'm all for taxing the rich more than the poor. It makes perfect sense. The Busch tax cuts are on good of the economy. As a part of Obama's emergency rescue plan, which is pretty much saying, "Do you exist? Here's a Benjamin. Feel free to burn it.," he should include the repeal of the Busch tax cuts. Sigh. I knew this would be complicated.
But how about some good news? I got an internship with the Goshen Office of my Congressman, John Hall! Talk about WIN. I'll be updating on the amount of wins the internship will be providing me. This is a great opportunity for me, and I plan to keep it.
Back to a little seriousness, I urge everyone who is reading this to start savign your money more than ever these days. Money is becoming a luxury, especially to people like me who are trying to go to college. Spending seems to get the best of us at the holidays, but don't start 2009 of on the wrong foot. If you're going to use a credit card (which you really shouldn't), track every expense and be on the look-out for fraud. Gas has been going down, but this is no time to bring up old habits of spending too much on gas and travel. Be smart, be safe, and save. Spend and save at the same time, and enjoy your holidays.
I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving. My next post will be after the Cabinet announcement.
The National Debt is $10. 6 billion at the end of this post.

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