Monday, December 8, 2008

Good Grief

Building off of my inspiration Jay Sanin's introduction on change, I have to write about it.

Obama promised change. We're getting change. But how much change? Is change definable by all, one, or none? Well the former senator from Illinois (Obama officialy resgined as of November 2008) would not be please to know of the mess that he has escaped from his occupational state of Illinois.
Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, a Democrat, has been arrested on corruption charges of trying to sell Mr. Obama's senate seat to unnamed candidates. The FBI charged, arrested, and began trying the governor. He was realeased by a judge under the governor's own 'recognizition.'
Are you KIDDING me? If its one thing i hate more than the neo-conservatives, its corruption. And that's for all sides of the spectrum. I don't care if you're a Democrat, by all that is good in politics (and truse me there isn't much), why the heck do you think you'll get away with corruption.
Here's what I have to say. Let's start with an analogy: Remember when Spongebob and Patrick stole the baloon on (unbeknownst to them) Free Balloon Day, and to cover thier steps they used RED PAINT? Well Mr. Governor, drop the painbrush. I'll avoid the cliche, but you all know where I'm going with this.
The Lame-Duck President Bush has made it impossible to keep privacy. And in his last days (which really couldn't make his presidency better but certainly worse) you don't think his vengeful side is going to creep up? I, for one, am convinced that it is. Sure he's the president. But he's also a man.
And how about the Governor? Well, if all this is true, I certainly hope you're kicked out of office before they can pass sentence. If it's not, well this is a shame that the FBI can't even do their job right before going to the mass media that is debateably pulling the societal strings.
I cannot stand corruption. And the thing that gets me is that the previous Governor that Blagojevich succeeded is "serving a six-year prison sentence after being convicted on racketeering and fraud charges." He was a Republican. Blago said he would clean up the mess.
If I may, I'm going to quote Chicago's sly attorney, Billy Flynn. "May God save Illinois."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're fantastic.